Honey, I Ate the Banana (Mask)

You could, technically, eat it. I wouldn't...but you do you, girl. 

For a hydrating face mask in just a few minutes, I used Banana (Vitamins C & E and Potassium), Honey (naturally anti-inflammatory and antibacterial), and Olive oil (penetrates into your skin = super-moisturizing, and full of antioxidants). I'm all about everything being simple, natural, and quick! 

banana honey mask .jpg


1/4 banana

1 tsp Honey

1/2 tsp Olive Oil


Mash all three together until very smooth. 

Spread on your face and neck. Since it's a little slimy you may want to go over it one more time as it dries, and pack it on with the back of a fork. 

Leave for 15 minutes and wash off with warm water! If you're hairy (like moi), maybe use a washcloth to get it out of your hairline and eyebrows. :)  

To see it made, check out my Instastories. It'll be up on my profile for the next week. 


Did you try it? Let me know how it turned out!